Our next generation instruments incorporate the latest advances in electronics, feature a modular approach to mechanical components for maximum flexibility and future-proofing, and benefit from simple and intuitive user interfaces.
A new design in low-cost emergency ventilation systems that allows for mass production of thousands per day for pandemic control cases.
Customize Service based on professional experience of Pulsed UVC Disinfection and Auto Mobile Robot Technology.
A safe and proven UVC technology disinfecting tunnel Without Any Chemical use for: Humans, Surrounding Air and Large Spaces After Hours.
A safe and proven UVC technology disinfecting tunnel for shopping carts
Low-Cost Sea Waves Power Generator Design and Implementation.
Develop intelligent and autonomous robotics for the use in pipe inspection and repair. Main application of such systems is in the Oil and Gas industry.
Develop necessary equipment and devices to support in the process of wellbore drilling and 3D mapping.
Combating COVID-19 transmission in central air conditioning systems.